Friday, March 20, 2009


Just a quick little blog post to let all my blog fans know, since I know there are SOOOOOOOO many of you (ha ha), to be on the look out for a flurry of blog posts!!! I have some SERIOUS catching-up to do.... Between Grandpa's visit, mine and Tyler's 10 year anniversary, SNOW, Tyler going to Vegas, soccer starting back up, Grandpa leaving and Grandma coming, an amazingly unbelievable BEAUTY and the BEAST production, and Caiden turning 8, 2009 has been soooooo busy for us, I can hardly believe that March is 1/2 way over already! I have a GAZILLION pictures that I will have to very selectively go through so I don't bore ya'll, but HOPEFULLY I will start to have some new posts popping up on this blog over the next few days. So make sure to check back frequently if you'd like to catch up on our 2009 adventures thus far!!! :-)


Missy said...

It's about time, hahaha! I'm looking forward to some new photos.

Makala said...

I know, right?!?! It's HORRIBLE how behind I am!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

looking forward to and miss you, mom/dad